This research project investigated the role of private firms' incentives to protect intellectual property protection for their inventions in R&D activity and the aggregate rate of technological progress. The major finding is that when firms have sufficiently strong incentives to protect their inventions, the aggregate rate of technological progress tends to be low. This research also shows that the rate of technological progress is maximized at a very lower level of the effectiveness of private activity for IPR protection.
Akiyama, T., Y. Furukawa: "Intellectual Property Rights and Appropriability of Innovation" Economics Letters 103. 138-141 (2009).
Akiyama, T., Y. Furukawa: "Survival of Innovation with Endogenous Appropriability" 日本経済学会春季大会. (2009年11月23). 京都大学.
Akiyama, T., Y. Furukawa: "Incomplete Ownership and Appropriability of Innovation: A market Quality Analysis" the 84th WEAI (Western Economic Association International) Annual Conference. (2009年7月1日). Sheraton, Vancouver
Akiyama, T., Y. Furukawa: "Intellectual Property Rights and Endogenous Appropriability in a North-South Model" NIESGカンファレンス. (2009年6月7日). 東北大学
Akiyama, T., Y. Furukawa: "Intellectual Property Rights and Technological Openness" NIESGカンファレンス. (2008年12月3日). 愛知大学