新しいディスカッションペーパー: Receptivity and Innovation

Furukawa, Yuichi, Tat-kei Lai, and Kenji Sato, "Receptivity and Innovation," MPRA Paper 81536, September 2017. 





In this study, we investigate the relationship between receptivity to novelty and innovation. Consumers’ receptivity to novelty, as an individual propensity toward new goods, might be perceived to encourage innovation at the aggregate level unambiguously. On analyzing data from the World Values Survey and the World Intellectual Property Organization, however, we find that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between average receptivity and innovation at country level; receptivity may not always be conducive to innovation. To capture a mechanism behind this counterintuitive fact, we develop a new dynamic general equilibrium model with the understanding that innovation consists of two separate activities of inventing new goods and introducing them to the society. In our model, consumer receptivity encourages firms to invent but discourages them from introducing. Interacted with population size and the elasticity of substitution, these opposing forces generate a non-monotonic relationship. While economies with moderate receptivity can achieve sustained innovation and thereby long-run growth, those with too much or too little receptivity are likely to be caught in an underdevelopment trap, in which innovations eventually fail. These results suggest a theory that explains the inverted-U.


概要 (古川の独断で、やや、かみ砕いて書いてます)


 消費者が、新しいアイディアや技術を受け入れる(以下、受容する、と呼ぶ)傾向を強く持つほど、経済全体のイノベーションは活性化すると、一般には考えられているかもしれない。しかし、世界価値観調査(World Values Survey)と世界知的所有権機関(World Intellectual Property Organization)のデータを分析すると、国単位で見た、平均的な受容性とイノベーションの間には、逆U字型の関係があった。この結果は、公衆のもつ受容性――新たなアイディアを受容する性向――は、必ずしも、経済全体のイノベーションに貢献しないかもしれないことを意味する。


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